The PoLI Institute Curriculum: Immersions
We're creating a rigorous series of Immersion experiences designed to empower legal professionals to successfully navigate the most dynamic aspects of innovation in legal services delivery and practice. Each Immersion module is an independent learning opportunity and may be combined in any combination of six Immersion courses to earn a Certificate in Law and Innovation.
Process Design + Improvement for NewLaw
Critical to building NewLaw competencies? The Triad of Process as applied to legal services delivery: process design, implementation, and continuous improvement. For decades, process design and improvement have been critical elements in the development of agile workplaces across industries, and have the capacity to literally transform the way legal services are delivered across the spectrum of law.
In this virtual, synchronous Immersion workshop, you’ll learn a skill set you can use yourself and with your team to create and implement efficient and effective processes individually and across your organization. This practical, hands-on program includes a step-by-step framework for process selection, assessment, analysis, and improvement, as well as process mapping and change management. All the way through, you’ll apply what you’re learning directly to a process you’ve chosen. By the end, you’ll have one improved process and a toolkit you can use across the practice and organization to accomplish more with less cost and less effort.
Completion of the Process Design + Improvement for NewLaw Immersion qualifies participants for the credential of Legal Process Improvement Professional from the International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM).
Co-facilitated by Karen Dunn Skinner and David Skinner with Cat Moon. Karen and David are the sole trainers recognized by IILPM to offer certification training qualifying for the Legal Process Improvement Professional designation.
Legal Operations 2.0
Drawing upon multiple disciplines and functions, Legal Operations 2.0 offers a critical path to optimizing legal services delivery within a business or entity. This Immersion considers tools and best practices across the evolving legal landscape relevant both to legal departments and the outside counsel who support them.
This Immersion is designed for in-house counsel seeking to create a legal ops function as well as support existing legal ops functions, and external firms who seek to better serve corporate and institutional clients by more fully understanding the business and operational needs of legal departments. Over the course of the Immersion workshop, participants will create a customized Legal Operations Playbook.
Co-facilitated by a diverse group of practicing legal operations professionals including Lizzie Shilliam (Chief of Staff + Legal Operations at Vanderbilt OGC).
Legal Project Management 2.0
It seems everyone says they do "project management." Few really do. If you want to learn how to apply core project management processes and tools in a legal setting, whether for client-facing or internal projects, join us for this entry- to mid-level Immersion.
Students of this Immersion also qualify to receive certification as Legal Project Associates through the International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM).
Facilitated by a diverse faculty of LPM Practitioners along with Cat Moon, Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) as credentialed by IILPM.
Human-Centered Design for Law
Over the course of the weekend, you'll learn and use human-centered design skills you can implement immediately, regardless of your role or organization type. This Immersion focuses on innovation as a design experience and is all about doing.
This Immersion is designed for anyone interested in creating a human-centered method for legal services delivery, encompassing aspects of the legal landscape from the design of internal law firm business functions to the design of client-centered legal services that both create and deliver value intentionally and profitably.
Co-facilitated by Cat Moon, PoLI's Director of Innovation Design.
Data, Data Everywhere
More information coming soon!
Leading Legal Innovation
Innovate is an action verb. It's something we DO, not something we talk about in marketing collateral. This Immersion is all about understanding how innovation supports strategy, developing a regular innovation practice, and how this technique supports and fuels leadership in #NewLaw.
This Immersion is designed for anyone who wishes to lead in legal innovation, regardless of experience, role, or organization.
Co-facilitated with Cat Moon, joined by leaders from across the legal spectrum.
Building #NewLaw: Biz Dev 2.0
What does effective business development look like in the evolving legal landscape? In this Immersion, students learn skills and tools from across professional services industries representing modern best practices. We're designing this course from the premise that building a sustainable legal business looks different in 2018 than it did in 2008 — and will require continuous innovation to succeed in 2028 in a landscape increasingly populated with alternatives (threats?) to traditional legal services.
This Immersion explores modern legal services delivery models and business development tools and is designed for mid-career lawyers who seek to elevate their profile and practice as well as law firm leadership who seek to support meaningful business growth across their organization.
Cat Moon, PoLI Institute Director
Director of Innovation Design
Vanderbilt Law School
The PoLI Institute at Vanderbilt Law School ©