- Legal Project Management 2.0
Registration is now closed for January 11 - 12, 2020 session.
For information on the next session of Legal Project Management 2.0, please contact us.
Grounded in the Legal Project Management Competency Framework (LPMCF), an international standard developed through research and in collaboration with practicing legal project management professionals by the International Institute for Legal Project Management, this Immersion teaches the key competencies for a Legal Project Associate. As importantly, the PoLI facilitation team will focus on the practical application of legal project management tools in various legal settings, including how to get the buy-in and support required for successful LPM integration into your organization's culture.
Why Legal Project Management 2.0?
Ubiquitous across other industries, Legal Project Management (LPM) remains novel and largely unrealized across the legal landscape. In other words, many market the skill set though few have embraced fully the value it brings to legal services delivery and are really doing project management in a meaningful fashion.
How do we know? We've talked to a lot of people across the legal industry — those interested in using LPM, those trying to do it in various organizations, and those who've tried and given up. We've also talked to clients who understand the potential value and are interested in and enthusiastic about making LPM work in their outside counsel relationships.
Through these conversations, we've come to understand the nuanced dynamics of LPM in legal, including why and how it works in some instances and not others. We're taking these learnings, along with a decade of direct experience in doing and training others to do project management in law, to craft this Immersion we call Legal Project Management 2.0.
Immersion Details
Legal Project Management 2.0 @ The PoLI Institute :: Saturday, January 11 - Sunday, January 12, 2020
@ Vanderbilt Law School
Q: Who is this Immersion designed for?
A: Pretty much every legal professional (unless you're an LPM expert already).
We've designed Legal Project Management 2.0 for the practicing legal professional who may have some familiarity with legal project management and wishes to learn more. The level-set for this Immersion is the belief that LPM brings value to the delivery of legal services and the people who enroll commit to contributing time, attention, and whatever experience they bring to engaging in a deeper learning experience throughout the Immersion.
We believe that LPM skills and tools are integral to improving the delivery of legal services across the legal landscape and consider the Legal Project Management 2.0 Immersion to be fundamental to legal innovation.
Q: What value does this Immersion deliver?
This list isn't exhaustive and the value you gain depends largely on the effort you put into the experience as well as what you do after you leave. With that said, the Immersion is designed to provide the following to the cohort:
Learning Outcomes:
- learn the LPMFC tools and how to apply them to legal projects
- learn and become conversant in standard project management terminology as applied in the legal context
- learn and apply project management tools influenced by Agile and Lean methodologies
- learn about process mapping in the context of project management
- learn about technology to support management of legal projects
- learn and be able to explain the value of project management within relevant legal contexts
- learn and be able to apply to apply leadership skills in launching and executing project management within a legal organization
- improve your team's legal service delivery process and procedures to create value for clients and the organization
Deliverables:- a textbook covering all topics covered in the Immersion
- a full set of Immersion slides and graphics
- sample templates to execute key tasks common in project management of legal projects
- practical exercises to facilitate developing project management skills relevant to legal projects
- upon individual application, certification as a Legal Project Associate by the International Institute of Legal Project Managment (issued independently of the PoLI Institute, which will facilitate individual applications)
Q: What is the cost and what is included?
A: $2200 + everything from soup to nuts is included!
Tuition for this PoLI Immersion course is $2200, with a discount offered to organizations with more than one person registering. Please contact Cat Moon at c.moon@vanderbilt.edu or 615-322-6591 for more information about this discount.
Immersion tuition covers all course materials and instruction, including facilitation of pre-work and post-work outside of the Immersion weekend schedule. During the Immersion, the Institute provides meals and refreshments including breakfast and lunch.
Immersion students also are invited into the PoLI Forum, an online community launching in 2020 and designed exclusively for Institute cohorts to facilitate and support their legal innovation journey.
Q: What is the schedule?
A: two full days of interactive and highly-engaged LPM learning and training!
Cohort members will receive Immersion pre-work, an assignment to be completed before arrival at Vanderbilt.
Saturday, January 11, 2020, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm | The Wond'ry at Vanderbilt
8:00 am: Registration and breakfast.
8:00 am: Morning Session begins. Co-facilitators will kick off the Immersion promptly at 8:00 am. The Immersion is structured as a series of modules providing foundational concepts and content followed by collaborative activities designed to teach module content by doing. Brief breaks will be taken between modules.
12:00 noon: Working lunch (provided)
1:15 pm: Afternoon Session begins, with brief breaks taken between modules.
5:00 pm: Conclusion of Day 1.
Sunday, January 12, 2020, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm | The Wond'ry at Vanderbilt
8:00 am: Breakfast and informal conversation.
8:30 am: Morning Session begins. Co-facilitators will kick off the Immersion promptly at 8:30 am. Brief breaks will be taken between modules.
12:00 noon: Working lunch (provided)
1:15 pm: Afternoon Session begins, with brief breaks taken between modules.
3:00 pm: Conclusion of Day 2.
Students will receive Immersion post-work, an assignment to be completed after the Immersion experience.
Q: Who is teaching this Immersion?
A: experienced, engaging, (and fun) faculty and facilitators.
Larry Bridgesmith, JD LPP, and PoLI Coordinator is the primary facilitator for this Immersion. Larry has taught LPM in the PoLI program at Vanderbilt for six years and has been an LPM practitioner and consultant for more than 10 years.
Larry will be joined by LPM law firm professionals, who will share their boots-on-the-ground experience and wisdom.
The Immersion is coordinated by Cat Moon, MA JD LPP, who will provide co-facilitation and logistical support to the Immersion cohort throughout the weekend.
Both Larry and Cat serve on the IILPM Advisory Council, are certified Legal Project Practitioners (LPPs), and are Accredited Training Providers for IILPM certification in North America.
Q: Will this Immersion count towards the Certificate in Law and Innovation, once launched?
The Legal Project Management 2.0 Immersion course will count as one (1) credit towards earning the Certificate in Law and Innovation. Go here for more information about the Certificate program.
What people are saying about PoLI Institute
immersion workshops:
Jan Roggen
Law Firm Partner, US
LPM 2.0 Cohort Member
I would definitely recommend the PoLI Institute experience because it was an amazingly inspiring weekend with likeminded people who all face the same challenges trying to make legal a better place to work and live. The weekend gave me the confirmation and the energy to continue the difficult innovation journey.
Barbara McGinnis
Law Firm Partner, US
LPM 2.0 Cohort Member
It was thought-provoking and energizing. We get so tunneled vision focused, (as lawyers on our area of specialty) we forget there is so much to learn in life that can enhance our journey. This immersion experience gave me a peek into other possibilities.
Lori Gonzalez
Legal Operations Professional, US
LPM 2.0 Cohort Member
Bringing together multi-disciplinary individuals to teach the future of law is so much more effective when teaching law or the principles of law. I would definitely recommend this to legal professionals (without a JD) as a way to improve their legal knowledge (as well as share their unique experiences). Absolutely loved my first experience with PoLI — it won't be my last!
Rafael Figueiredo
General Counsel, US
LPM 2.0 Cohort Member
Personally, I loved the somewhat loose agenda (even if not intentional) which allowed ample time for thought-provoking dialogue on legal innovation, etc. + Unique take on legal process & project management — focus on LPM methodologies (necessary for certification purposes, I suspect) but combining with agile, lean six sigma and design thinking. I believe that combining these approaches makes things happen inside teams (legal or not) just a bit easier (i.e., as mentioned, important to choose the best tool/approach for each project or for each part of a project).
Lann Wasson
Associate Director of Legal Project Management, US
Legal Operations 2.0 Cohort Member
In an industry where the event stage is dominated by large conferences, the faculty at the PoLI Institute delivered a truly immersive experience for our cohort by facilitating more relevant conversations, sharing multiple perspectives and a depth of insight that is hard to capture face-to-face in other venues.
Cat Moon, PoLI Institute Director
Director of Innovation Design
Vanderbilt Law School
The PoLI Institute at Vanderbilt Law School ©